Our Expertise & Experience
Please follow the links (or scroll down) for some examples of clients served:
- Food industry, including food and beverage manufacturers and distributor
- Automobile industry-OEM and Tier II suppliers
- Construction industry (residential and commercial components manufacturing)
- Durable goods, including recreational and outdoor products (plastics) and home products
- Durable goods - valuation of international trademark
- Investments in natural resources interests, including oil and gas and mining
- Media based customer relationship management firm
- Various advertising, marketing and traditional publishing firms
- Specialty engineering firms (Canadian and European)
- Professional practices, including management consulting, medical services, and executive recruitment
- Food service industry
- Transportation and logistics services providers
- Educational services-transportation industry
- Telecommunications service provider
- Real estate holding companies
- Investment holding companies with diverse interests, including technology, mining, and manufacturing)
- Construction industry, including general and specialty contractors
Retailers & Distributors
- Durable goods-including furniture, computer peripherals and hardware
- Construction industry—raw materials and building components
- Media-based consumer goods distributor
- Automobile dealerships
Technology/Intellectual property valuations
- Telecommunications technology equipment manufacturer/distributor
- Specialty transportation equipment manufacturer/distributor
- Specialty medical services software developer
- Childrens instructional DVDs
- Early stage telecommunications-software valuation
- Early stage audio technology company
- Valuation of data generated by MTO highway monitoring systems
- Valuation of intellectual property developed by executive training firm
We are proud to be a member
of the following professional
- The Canadian Institute of Chartered
Business Valuators
- The Canadian Institute of Chartered
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
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